"If you're interested in publishing papers, we can work together, contact me. Interest: Islamic banking + marketing".
Citing the challenges for the industry, people usually opine that the industry needs to create awareness about itself, its products and the concepts underpinning their development.
One listed Islamic bank in Pakistan showed Rs 47 million on the expenditures side in 2010 which was more than the Rs 41 million in profits it reported for the same year. Of note is that it is the first time the bank had reported profits and, as odd as this ratio might appear, it nevertheless tells us that a good sum of money was spent on advertising. Another listed Pakistani Islamic bank had also spent Rs 43 million on publicity in 2010.
Creative advertising is also finding its way into these marketing campaigns as evidenced by the few examples of original marketing slogans used by some Islamic banks, which names will not be revealed.
Sample slogans
"Finally, a car that lets you fly. Finance your dream car."
"Live in your dream home."
"Drive your dream car."
"Shariat Mein Barkat. (It means blessing is only in Islamic law)"
Sadly, though these slogans have contributed their share in promoting consumerism in Pakistani society they failed to hail Islamic virtues of Shukr (thankfulness), Sabr (patience), Tawakkul (steadfastness), Infaaq (payment to charity), refraining from Israaf (extravagance), hubb-e-maal (love of wealth) and hubb-e-dunya (love of materialism).
The prevalent practice of marketing efforts includes billboard advertising, TV commercials, print media and additionally running paid content in the form of discussion programs on TV. But, in the name of creating awareness, serious discussions and arguments usually lie missing in the paid discussion programs run on TV.
The proponents of Islamic banking repeatedly try to give some logical answers to support the case of Islamic banking and argue that the end result of many activities could be similar, but their interpretation for Halal and Haram could still be different. These logical arguments are analyzed briefly.
A McDonalds burger in the West may taste the same as in the East, but one may be permissible i.e. Halal and one may be prohibited i.e. Haram if the animal from which the meat was prepared was not slaughtered in the prescribed Shari'ah manner. The forbidden burger is not prohibited on the basis of taste, but rather due to the manner of slaughtering. But regardless of the argument, the way the burger is advertised fails to remind the consumer of the fact that it is God Almighty who has given man permission to take the life of an animal for food consumption.
Similarly, pre-marital and post-marital sex may prompt similar physical and emotional responses, but in Islam, the former is prohibited while the latter is permissible. Here again, the reason for prohibiting pre-marital sex is not biological or utility related, but rather social i.e. Islam treasures the family system and wants to protect its sanctity at all cost, else, from a social point of view, humans would be no different than animals.
If one does not wish to invest money for profit purposes, but has some surplus funds, Islam has encouraged spending on charity over lending for interest and it is supported through many verses. "They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider." (Al-Baqarah: 219).
"In their wealth, there is a known right for those who ask for it and those who have need for it." (Al-Muarij: 24-25).
Instead of those Islamic institutions who are working in conformity with Islamic rules and principles trying to create awareness about these virtues, emphasis has been on creating wealth. By not using the Islamic virtues mentioned above, Islamic banks have essentially failed to create brand affinity among the masses on the basis of what Islam promulgates as core to its followers beliefs. This is not to deny the efforts and achievements of Islamic banks, but rather meant to point out the shortcomings which need to be looked at and addressed right away.
BOX: Islamic Credit Cards: A Necessity or Luxury Islam never encourages one to become indebted unless it is absolutely necessary. Many a -hadith show the viewpoint of Islam on debt creation, especially when it is beyond ones capacity to repay, and points to what extent it should be avoided and used to meet ones necessary requirements. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: |
About the Author
Salman Ahmed Shaikh is a researcher in Islamic Economics. He is author of "Proposal for a New Economic Framework Based on Islamic Principles". He has also written 20 papers and more than four dozen articles on Islamic Economics. He can be contacted at salmanahmed_hyd@hotmail.com. Courtesy provided by Halal Tamweel.
Labels: Islamic banking, Marketing
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